Sunday, July 6, 2008

Week at Home

Eric's first week at home has been a good one. He continues to be in a lot of pain, especially in his hip area where they found 2nd and 3rd degree burns internally. This pain is making it difficult to sleep or find a comfortable position to rest. We went to the doctor on Wednesday to try and find a solution. They gave him some sleeping medication, but it didn't seem to help much at all. So now we're back to good old Tylenol and Advil - just taking it more regularly and alternating between the two. All the doctors we've seen are just amazed at his progress and his story. I even heard one say that "he's making medical history" so we feel blessed every day!

Although Eric has been home from work all week, we tried to keep some normal social activities. He mentioned that it helps to get out of the house and get his mind of things. So we spent several evenings over at his parents house with his sisters and their children. We also went to see the fireworks on 4th of July, and to a birthday party last night. So he's getting out of the house and moving around which is good. Eric is planning on returning to work tomorrow (Monday) possibly beginning with half days to see how things go. He has no memory of both Monday and Tuesday (the day of the accident) so it will be strange returning to projects and clients he doesn't remember working on or talking to. He's already read some emails that he doesn't remember writing...which I'm sure feels strange.

So please continue to pray for us. Mostly that the pain would subside to a manageable level so he can sleep at night and get rest. Also for his first few days back at work that they'll be a smooth transition.

And for all you Rambling Randy fans, I'll see if I can get him to write another entry soon. :)



Anonymous said...


Im glad to see you up and moving about. I heard golf is a great form of rehab! :) I hope your first day back wasn't too over-whelming.

Jana, I think I speak for everyone when I say, NO MORE RAMBLING RANDY! What kinda person comes up with his own nickname anyhow. :)


Anonymous said...

Jana & Eric, you are all in our prayers for a complete recovery and healthy days ahead. June 25th Joyce Thomas sent a brief note to all of us in Coinonia Club reporting the accident and his hospital coma. I appreciated your mother's (Cindy) recent update. She gave us this blog and I just spent time and read all the old entries from the start to current. Thank you. Now that Eric is beginning to go back to work, how is it going? I forget his occupation--is it construction work? That could be tiring with heat and heavy work.. I praise God for the recovery Eric is having. Miriam Nafziger.