Sunday, June 29, 2008


Need I say more? Eric and Jana came home today shortly after 2:00 I believe. Eric was ready to get out of there and go home. So much so that he didn't even wait for his mom to bring clothes for him...he went home in his hospital clothing. On top of that, he didn't wait for a hospital escort, He just asked for their own wheelchair and Jana pushed him out of there. "We're Leaving" I believe were the words that Eric said.

Eric is feeling much better, even better then yesterday. He will be taking the next week off for sure it sounds like, and then checking things out the following week. If I know Eric at all, he's gonna get bored...maybe I will sneak him out of the house for a round of golf or something haha :)

Keep Rejoicing


Anonymous said...

Praise be to God for answered prayers.

Anonymous said...

As I was reading this the song that came to my mind was WHAT A MIGHTY GOD we serve!!!! I'm sure you feel like singing this from the mountian tops so the whole world could hear!! Can't wait to share this with our small group on Wednesday. God is so faithful and always right on time(words from another song). We will continue to pray for complete healing.

Anonymous said...

From Eric's Dad:

Eric, you have been such a wonderful son and we love you. I'm sure what you've experienced this last week, will make you even a better son and will also draw you closer to our Heavenly Father. We are so blessed that God's hand reached down and was in control of every aspect of what you went through this last week-from the strike of the lightning to the very moment you walked out of the hospital doors. Praise be to God for his awesome power, mercy, and grace.

What a blessing it was that God placed Andy(the jogger) at the right place at the right time. Like the Good Samaritan in Luke 10,
"A man, Andy, was going down the beach toward Eric, when a flash of lightning struck Eric. The swimmers near by and the ones on the beach, unaware of Eric's plight, fled in panic. Andy, from several hundred yards away, saw Eric and what took place. He jogged to the spot where he last spotted Eric and having compassion on him, pulled him from the water. With angels surrounding him and God's help, Andy saved Eric's life."
Andy, because of your compassion and mercy on Eric, you are the Good Samaritan in our lives. We will be forever grateful and consider you a part of our family.

May God have all the honor and the glory forever!!

Anonymous said...

This past Saturday I sat down at the piano and played the song that Cindy and I wrote for Jana and Eric's wedding. While it was written specifically for the wedding many of the words ring true today. It was meant to be from the parents perspective. I've included just a little portion of it. How true it is that we as parents continue to pray for your lives. And that the two of you are joined as one (approaching 2 years) it becomes even more abundantly clear how you are drawn together through "sickness and in health" and all that comes your way.

What a blessing it is to know that God is holding the both of you in the palm of His hand and the deepness of His heart.

May he continue to nurture and strengthen your body Eric and the love you have for each other. May you each find the patience you need as you continue to heal. And by the way....listen to the doctor! :)

Andy, you have impacted many more lives than you will ever know. You didn't just react, you responded and there is such a huge difference in that. May your life be blessed with a new freshness.

If anyone would like the full text. Please email me at

Some Words to My Precious Child

You said someday, you’d find your prince, you were convinced.

It’s not just in fairy tales.

Now he stands beside you, he loves you

As he takes your hand in his hand.

I hope you know how much, I’ve prayed for your life.

You’d find the lo-ve God created for you.

And on this day I know, part of me must let go.

So God can make one out of two.

Anonymous said...

What Up E.T.

Man, it's good to have you home. There is so much I want to say and so many emotions but not quite sure how to say it all. You and Jana are amazing friends to Jill and I and I'm not sure how we could have handled not seeing you anymore. I have been rejoicing and thanking God everyday for your recovery, your story and all my friends and family. It's crazy to think that sometimes God's plan may involve some heartache and pain in order for us to see what has been in front of our faces all along. For everyone it's differant. For me it is loving friends that care so much about eachother. Like I said before, you're story will impact all of us in differant ways but one thing is for sure, it will bring us all so much closer together!
You are an amazing woman! What else can I say. Considering the circumstances you were very strong and courageous! My prayers of healing and rejoicing will not only go out to Eric but to you as well!

Love you both,
